We think it's important for our members to get to know Todd Saylor, the man who inspired us to form The Call Of America. We believe that the measure of a man's life is reflected in the people he associates with, especially those he calls 'friend'. For that reason we asked several of Todd's friends and associates to give us brief testimonials about their experiences with Todd. As you read through them, you'll catch a glimpse of the man reflected through some of the lives he has touched. You'll get to know him by what he has done so far. (There is much more to come.)
These are the kinds of people behind The Call Of America, the kind that earn your confidence and uphold the ideals that brought us together in the first place. The Call Of America is an honorable organization and good things happen when good people work toward a common goal.
We can't do it without you. This is an organization for the people, by the people. We need honorable men and women who care about their country and their fellow man. We're looking for folks who, when they read these endorsements, become so inspired that they decide to answer their own Call To Serve and decide to support our cause. If this makes sense to you, if you're getting excited at the prospect of helping your fellow man and building up this incredible Country we call home, then join us.
"I’d like to take a moment to introduce you to a cause that is very close to my heart, The Call Of America.Org.
I started this 5013B non-profit organization December 7th, 2011.
The Call Of America is a Pro American, Christian principled needy and homeless recovery organization, actively serving Indiana’s Senior Warriors.
The Call Of America is on a mission, finding disadvantaged veterans, evaluating their difficult situation and matching them up with programs or benefits they qualify for is our first order. Supplementing their needs to live honorable lives is the following mission.
Many of these lost individuals are not aware of or able to research, discover or utilize their earned rights. These forgotten Warriors are lost, confused, desperate and left with little hope, until now.
If you agree with me that…
“We all should celebrate humanity by doing something, for no other reason but than to help others.” And that;
“if we can, we should”
Please pick The Call Of America as a humanitarian gift choice; helping us help displaced American Veterans of Indiana with your donation.
100% of your gift goes directly to The Call Of America
Please click on the following link, or paste it into your browser and make a donation today: https://donate.thecallofamerica.org/
“Working together to help those who gave so unselfishly for our freedom.”
Thank you for your consideration and support."
Todd Saylor
The Call Of America
From: Richard "Dick" Dodge, Indiana State Representative, District 51
"I have known Mr. Saylor for over 20 years. He is a successful local businessman in Angola, Indiana. He heads up a company that provides record keeping and pay-roll services for companies in several states throughout the U.S. He is an active and devoted member of Fairview Missionary Church and is involved in many community service activities, including Project Help, the local homeless shelter... "Read More
From: Earl D. Brooks II, Ph.D., President Trine University
"Mr. Saylor has played a significant role in assisting, serving and working with students on our campus as teacher, coach, and motivator. He is willing to share his thinking, passion and love in a positive way that touches all. At Trine University..."Read More
From: Patricia Warczynski, Lieutenant Indiana State Police, Commander - Indianapolis District 52
"During the term of our contract with Mr. Saylor and his team, he provided service over and above what we expected. When we had questions, he was there to answer them - if we encountered problems, he provided quick and accurate resolutions to them. He is always just a phone call away when we needed him.
We could not have been more pleased with..."Read More
From: Dave Wagner, MS, CPE, Trine University
"I met Todd two years ago at a football team pre-game breakfast. He was asked to speak to the players about his life experiences and to motivate these young minds. I pretty much know the drill on motivation. But, Todd reached into my closed mind and opened a few windows about life, dedication, loyalty and discipline. These values that he possesses are inspirational..."Read More
From: Doug Tuckerman,Sauder Woodworking Co.
"Once Todd puts his mind to something, he simply wills it to fruition. I also recall it was Todd’s charisma, magnetic personality and passion for life that drew others to him. I also found out that Todd is a great motivator. It was Todd’s passion to study God’s Word that inspired me to grow in my own personal walk with God. It was Todd’s challenge to me to get into God’s Word that ignited a season of personal growth to which I will be eternally grateful for..."Read More
From: Matt Land, Head Football Coach, Trine University
"Todd is a true American success story and tested winner in life. As the son of a Michigan High School football coaching legend, he learned the value of character, discipline and work-ethic young. Todd carries this strong foundation..."Read More
From: Rev. Norman Fuller, Pastor, Fairview Missionary Church
"Todd is a man of vision with a huge heart to help out wherever he can with the resources he has in his possession. An example of this, of which I have direct knowledge, is his leading a fund raiser for Project Help, the community food and clothing bank of Steuben County. Todd organized the..."Read More
From: Karen W. Shelton, Indiana Troopers Association
"Todd is a high-achiever and holds himself to a high standard of excellence. He is always positive in his thinking and in his goals and looks "forward - never backward." He provided fundraising services for the Indiana Troopers Association and I had the pleasure of working on a day to day basis with he and his staff. They all far exceeded my..."Read More
From: Rick Mann, College Football Teammate and Lifelong Friend
"As one can imagine, Todd’s schedule is full, yet to me one of his greatest attributes as a friend is that his schedule is never too busy to help someone in need. In fact, his schedule is never too full for me. He has a compassion motivated by the love of Christ to help people. He is a real person with..."Read More
From: Thad L Wright I Vice President, Commercial Banking STAR I Bank Insurance Private Advisory
"Todd Saylor has demonstrated for many years that he is a successful and effective fundraiser. He has demonstrated a history and a passion of giving and encouraging others in a positive way both personally and in business." Regards, Thad L Wright I
From: Robert Cornell
"Whatever Todd decides to undertake, he will be successful. He is willing to do whatever it takes to see a project to fruition. Todd's strong character, commitment and determination will not allow him to fail..."Read More
From: Mike Uckele, CEO and President of Uckele Health & Nutrition
"It is a genuine pleasure and honor to recommend Todd Saylor as an excellent product spokesman for any company that chooses to sponsor his nonprofit project, “The Call of America.” Our company manufactures nutritional products for customers worldwide, and we sponsored Todd with our products during a transformative period in his life, as he dedicated himself to improving his health through nutrition and fitness.
In eight months, Todd lost 61 pounds and built his muscle mass, energy and endurance by..."Read More