The Call Of America - The Beginning:
The Call Of America.... To Serve!
The Call Of America was launched December 7, 2010 (Sound familiar? Our veterans know December 7th as "Pearl Harbor Day.") by a small group of individuals dedicated to helping those who bravely served our country, but who now need help themselves. When these men and women, who fought to protect our freedom suffer, we all suffer. It's our turn now, to fight for them. We're not called to ignore them. We're not called to turn a blind eye. As Americans living in the greatest country on the planet, we're called to do something about it! America is calling, she needs us to answer the call, the call to serve!
Todd Saylor inspired us to take action. For some insight on what inspired him to take action, read on...
In the late 80's, because of multiple injuries sustained during his college football career, Todd Saylor was denied the opportunity to serve his country by joining the military. Yet, he always wanted to serve. He has always felt indebted to those who fought for the freedom that he enjoyed every day and he wanted show his appreciation by doing something for those who have or are serving in the military. His passion for the needy, the homeless and for his Country motivated his early humanitarian efforts but also instilled the desire in him to do more.
With growing anti-American sentiment in recent years, Todd felt frustrated that all he was doing was talking - he realized that he was not taking any steps to actually change the fading American culture, nor was he supporting the efforts of the many that were actively serving. These very American Warriors, had done it - many are still doing it and they're not just using words. They're wearing kevlar, carrying rifles, dealing with the enemy close up and personal. They're "all in", giving their time and efforts, no questions asked - defending our freedom through commitment, personal sacrifice, and dedication. Sometimes they pay the ultimate price, losing their lives and/or families in the process.
The final straw for Todd came during a tense conversation with a hostile, anti-American individual who shouted,
"Why do you love this country its horrible, it sucks! Nobody is proud of it, it's not cool to be an American!" Those misguided words propelled Todd Saylor into action.
Sickened by that confrontation and assault on our very heritage by this individual, and alarmed by the overwhelming apathy and lack of love for our country he was seeing more and more in people every day, Todd decided to do something that he believed would contribute to our Country's future, something that would promote the love of God, Country, and Countrymen.
He decided to start a not-for-profit organization of dedicated, God fearing, U.S.A. loving Americans who cared. Americans who cared enough to serve their fellow man and in doing so, their Country. The organization goes by the name: "The Call Of America" The Call Of America is now focusing on displaced senior warriors. No matter what the need, whether it's housing, legal documentation, counseling, or other essentials like food, toiletries, and a friendly face. There were there when we needed them, and now it's our turn. They fought to keep America free, and it's our duty as free Americans to pitch in and help them.
We don't have a choice really, we must become "Active Americans". There's too much at stake.
So, with Prayer, Vision and Hope... and some used equipment... the movement was started but... Now we need YOUR help. Please support the cause and show that you are an "Active American"
"The Call of America" is a Pro-American movement organized to support American Ideals, of one Nation under God, raising funds to support American heroes, war veterans and their families in need.
Gifts raised and going directly to those in need. This is Real Active American intervention helping those who can't help themselves.
Answer the call, The Call Of America!