The Call Of America - Gallery:
The Call Of America.... To Serve!
Dear Jennifer and The Call Of America,
We would like to thank you for the wonderful Christmas dinner you so generously provided for all of the residents and guests of Terrace Ridge Apartments. Along with the dinner, you went above and beyond with the gift of the Bingo set and beautiful picture. We are so appreciative of the thoughtfulness of your organization and for all you provide for those who proudly served our country and for their loved ones.
Danette Kammeyer
Community Manager
Terrace Ridge Apartments
December 23, 2011
Dear Todd, Jen and The Call Of America,
We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your gift to Project Help and the over 2,100 families in need throughout Steuben County. Whether you provide monetary donations, food, clothing or another typle of support, Project Help greatly appreciates your contribution especially during these dificult economic times and during the holiday season.
We pledge to do our best to be good stewards of that is given to share, to network with with other service providers, and to help the greatest number of families with the resources available in our community while making every effort to avaoid duplication. We 'thank you' for making a difference with your donation.
Thank you for your continued support, partnership and friendship.
Sherri Frank
Director - Project Help of Steuben
Dear Jennifer and The Call Of America,
We would like to thank you for the wonderful Christmas dinner you so generously provided for all of the residents and guests of Terrace Ridge Apartments. Along with the dinner, you went above and beyond with the gift of the Bingo set and beautiful picture. We are so appreciative of the thoughtfulness of your organization and for all you provide for those who proudly served our country and for their loved ones.
Danette Kammeyer
Community Manager
Terrace Ridge Apartments
December 7th - Pearl Harbor Day

December 7, 2011
Please take the time to reflect upon the 2400 people who lost their lives 70 years ago at Pearl Harbor.
Happy Birthday to us! December 7, 2011 marks The Call Of America's 1st birthday!
We are blessed to have been able to serve our worthy veterans this past year.
May God bless us with many more years of service.
Jennifer LaRose
The Eleventh Of September
Written by Roger J. Robicheau
We mourn their loss this day this year
Those now with God, no danger near
So many loved ones left do stand
Confronting loss throughout our land
My heart goes out to those who do
No one can fathom what they view
I firmly pray for peace of mind
Dear God please help each one to find
And to our soldiers now at war
God guide above, at sea, on shore
They are the best, I have no doubt
Our country’s pride, complete, devout
The finest force you’ll ever see
All freedom grown through liberty
One final thought comes clear to me
For what must live in infamy
Absolutely - We’ll Remember
The Eleventh - Of September
A US helicopter went down in eastern Afghanistan, killing 31 U.S. special operation troops,
most of them from the elite Navy SEALs unit responsible for the death of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, as well as seven Afghan commandos. It was the worst single incident for American forces in the entire war to date.
Our hearts go out to the families and friends of these brave souls who lost their lives serving their country. Please keep all our servicemen and women and their families in your thoughts and prayers.
Some of them are paying the ultimate price so we can continue to live free in the greatest country on earth, the United States of America! Good Bless them all!
November 18, 2011
The Call Of America helped screen potential clients for the 2011
campaign for the Marines Toys for Tots.
Teaching our children to serve!
Helping our homeless veterans stay off the streets.
August 1, 2011 Our hearts and prayers go to the family of Emal Muilons of Kimmel, Indiana. Emal was one of our senior warriors and a WWII vet who passed away last week. His wife Betsie walks with the help of a walker and was having problems cleaning her home. We've spent many days at their home cleaning and performing odd jobs. Please keep them in your prayers.
Dear Call of America,
I wanted to personally thank you for going the extra mile with one of our clients/veterans. We recently housed a local veteran at Turning Point Shelter. Our client, because of his disabilities, made it next to impossible for him, to find permanent housing. With financial help, phone calls and footwork Call of America was able to procure him permanent housing. He is now in his own apartment. With additional help from the local and regional American Legions and the Call of America our client was provided furniture, linens, kitchen items and other essentials he needed to “set up” house. Today, Call of America continues to go the extra mile and often stop by and check up on him to see how he is doing. In my opinion Call of America is a great help to our veterans and a needed addition to our community.
John C. Stevenson
Executive Director
Turning Point Shelter, Angola, Indiana

Thousands Of Motorcyclists Escort 9-11 Beam
Saturday, July 2nd, 2011
(ANGOLA,IN) - After being in Angola for over 20 hours, a burned and scared beam from the north tower of the World Trade Center left the Country Fair Shopping Center on Saturday morning at precisely 10:28am, the time when the North Tower came down on 9-11. Along with numerous police and firefighters, the eight foot by two foot beam was followed by a motorcade made up of thousands of motorcyclists. Some estimated at least 5,000 motorcyclists were on hand to take part in the motorcade to Elkhart County's Osolo Township where the beam will be part of a display that is scheduled to be dedicated on September 11th. The number of motorcyclists on hand easily filled up the shopping center's parking lot. Some had to park in other nearby areas. It took almost 20 minutes for the parking lot to be emptied out of motorcycles when the truck hauling the beam pulled out.

Photo Courtesy: 101 Lakes Network - Trent Lewis
Photo Courtesy: 101 Lakes Network - Trent Lewis
101 Lakes Network Website
101 Lakes Netvork Facebook


In loving memory of Erma Miller:
12/16/1920 - 6/1/2011
2nd Lt. for the U.S. Army during WWII
Mother of James Miller, dedicated employee of The Call Of America.
"For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; He will lead them to the springs of living water. And God will wipe every tear from their eyes."
Revelations 7:17
The Call Of America had the pleasure of helping Clara Rensberger move into her new place. Clara is 100 years young and the widow of a WWI veteran! We are proud to have Clara as a part of our The Call Of America family.
Thanks to Jim Ingledue, Ingledue Construction, and our five volunteers!
The Office is buzzing with Spring activities! The Call Of America is helping our friends at Project Help in Angola, Indiana hand out full Easter meals and Easter baskets with candy and toys for those in need in the community today! Over 200 families are receiving assistance.

Easter basket items for teenage boys were donated to Project Help from the Call of America.
It feels so good to serve!
Hidden Hero Among Us...
Our director Jennifer LaRose recently met with a hidden hero named John C. Clark, affectionately known as "Jack". Jack has an amazing story, and here's a small snapshot...
John C Clark is a 90 year old man that answers to the name "Jack". You honestly have no idea what a true America hero is unless you meet him. His discharge papers didn't list his complete medal list because there isn't enough space. He has not one but two Purple Hearts, two Silver Stars, a Presidential Unit Citation, a ranger tab and over 20 other medals. He was one of the first men to storm the beaches of Normandy, and when I say first, I mean he was the point of the 29th Field Artillery of the 4th Infantry Division - the first men who hit the beach. 63 started in his battalion and only 20 made it out of Normandy.
Pictures of Normandy created a slide show on his computer and he told me his account of the day without the Hollywood hype, with tears in his eyes at some points. It was amazing to hear his stories of buying a postcard in every town he visited in Europe and sending them home to his mother. It wasn't until after the war was over that she actually received all the postcards at once because the US didn't want anyone to know where he was in Europe because his division was the one leading the way.
Jennifer shares... "I spent hours just listening to his stories forgetting about the real reason I was there. He lost part of his hearing on July 24, 1944 in the bombing of St. Lo, France. He never claimed it to the VA because he was alive and that's all he cared about.
Mr. Clark wrote a book on his time in the war with the help of his wife called "Crossed Cannons". He gave me a copy...I started to read it...again...WOW. If you read it, you'll definitely want to meet him.
By the way, he told me he lived because God had plans for him.....I do believe he was right."
Written by: Jennifer LaRose, Director of The Call Of America.
The Call Of America's call center is where it all starts.
Actually the call center is our first success story, many of these guys are vets, some were even homeless, and we put them to work. That's our strategy of giving a leg up instead of a hand out. They took advantage of an opportunity we were able to provide and now they're growing with us. Everyone at The Call Of America is on the same team, we're a family, bound together by our common goals.
We wanted to post some pictures so you can see that even though generating the funds to help vets and first responders is serious business, we still know how to enjoy each day. Everyone in our call center believes in the cause and they sincerely want to help those who have sacrificed so much for the rest of us.
These are the folks who call you asking for your help. If you can, please help, if you can't, please pray for us and for the men and women who we're trying to help.
Thanks for your support and God bless you!
Latania Bowen with founder Todd Saylor Samantha Bowen with founder Todd Saylor
Remember, women are defending our country too! The first picture above shows Latania Bowen and Todd Saylor, Latania is actively serving now and has served 2 tours in Iraq.
Her sister Samantha Bowen, graduated from Angola High School and is now serving in Afghanistan. She's a weapons truck driver and had to leave her new born back here in the States while she's overseas in harms way.
God Bless both these girls and their families. Your country is proud of you both and grateful for your service.

February 27 2011
Frank Buckles - The Last US WWI Veteran Has Died at 110 Frank Buckles was a patriot. The moment he read about the US entering the war in April of 1917, he enlisted. Well, he had to work at it... He was only 16 at the time. The Marine Corps and the Air Force turned him down. Undaunted, he kept his eye on the prize and eventually convinced an Army recruiter that he was 21. Mr. Buckles served in England and France, then in WWII he was captured and survived three years in a Japanese prisoner of war camp.
Our last WWI Veteran is gone... Frank Buckles passed away peacefully in his home on February 27th. His family shared that his health had been failing since late last year, but they were glad they had been able to celebrate his 110th birthday on February 1st 2011. Mr. Buckles, we salute you. Thank you for a life well lived and for the service you gave to your country.
Frank Buckles - February 1, 1901 – February 27, 2011